My ideal weekends. Bay, yachts and so on...
It is so great to leave a big noisy city at least for one day, what I managed to do at Sunday.Just out of St.Petersburg to Vyborg. So cosy, small town, which looks after Stockholm so much. A piece of Europe in Russia. There is a huge english park Monrepo, which I like very and very much. Such an ideal mixture of little arcitecture on great nature full of quite rare and very beautiful trees and different plants. But main is a bay called Zashitnaya (protective bay if to say in english).Wile we were driving to the city it was sunny and shining, but there crazy rain was waiting for us. But it didn't dissapoint us. Cause in any case it was very warm, and there is nothing more pleasant than to swimm nude in a bay under a heavy shower. Twice pleasure!Even tripple pleasure, because we went to a separate small island where no other crazy were. To manage that island we had to ford the river still under that heavy rain, and we had really great fun!Then we rent a yacht for a couple of hours, and went in the Vyborg's golf under sails. OMG, that was smth amazing and unfrogetable!Of cousre at the end of the day we were exhausted and 2,5 hours way back to St.Petersburg were also very tiring, but I really would like to repeat it.I wish myself to have as many such weekends as possible ))Kiss you all, my dear members!I'm so kind now )Yours,Megan
When you buy bacon, you pay for the feed that pig ate. I'm here for fun too!
"You are here for money only" - quite an often incrimination for here, when I refuse to do a show in free. First of all, I respect myself. Secondly, guys, you like young girls with soft skin, amazing smile and well-groomed hairs, and, of course, in sexy outfit and with a good make up.Let's sort out in reverse order:1. Good make up, which is not very much harmful for the skin costs good too!2. Sexy outfit. I neither own cotton and silk plantations, nor textile manufacutre, nor designer's team, nor clothing industry. I buy finished product! Good product, sesy product, I don't broadcast like a tramp!3. Have you seen the length of my hairs? If not, you are welcome in my room or profile pictures. You even don't imagine what the price of cosmetics for such a gargeous hairs.4. Every half a year visiting of dantist is not for free too.5. Do you know that women's skin is much more sensitive than yours? That all this invironment shit, make up and so on influencess not very good? Do you know how many tubes of different creams, lotions and so on are on the shelves of women who care about their appearence? You don't, because you are all in your men's business, work and so on. You decide this not important, but you wonna to see a result.Moreover, except for money, all these is really time-consuming. We do it not for ourselves only, but for YOU too! So, don't tell me about my money interests! I don't earn as much here as I spend on being so gargeous!I'm here for fun, for communicating with you, for having hot time, for meeting new people. And yes, of course, I would like to earn more at least to allow myself all higher-listed things!Looking forward to your understanding,Yours,Megan
My desirable things for this week for here
New period starts with Sunday here, so the begining of working week.First of all, I would like to meet interesting people as many as it is possible. I mean not only members who are interested in hot shows only.Secondly, concerning hot shows, I would like to practice and to enjoy more and more roleplays. I really like them, because for me it seems like action in real life. And it develops my imagination too. Next, cam 2 cam - I wonna more c2c. I understand when members don't have cams (or at least telling so), that's why I don't see them. But I'm really confused why the majority of members don't turn on cam, when they have, or don't show their faces. I'm not a spier, I'm not gonna to record anything, and, as I know, site does not record member's videos... I just wonna to know and to have an image of the appearance of a person I communicate with. And, I am sure, that it is absolutely normal desire.Btw, it would be great to get at least a picture of you, dear members, if you don't have a cam. Just send it here in personal messages.Forthly, I really WANT members in my room stop keeping silence. This silence expoades my brain, I don't understand this fish behaviour at all, and even my previous post in the blog was exactly about this fact.Finally, let me be honest, of course, I want to earn more. That's why I'm opened to your ideas and requests about pvt on 100%. And what's more important for me, I will be really gratefull if after our pvt you would be so kind to say me what you really liked and what should I improve. I am quite an adequate person to understand that I am not a top model here, that I am very new and, let's be honest, young. So I can't be perfect on 100%, but I really wish to!Well, and now I'm crossing my fingers, close my eyes and imagine all these come true ))Let's start this week! ;) I wish all of you great time whatever you plan or dream! Yours,Megan
What does your silence mean? Didn\'t know that I\'m a telepathist
What I really can\'t understand is when members keep silence, when they are completely speachless and typeless.Well, it is not so problematic when goes in free chat (though I still don\'t undrestand what is the pleasure just to seet and watch, I think chating is more interesting in any case).At such moments my room reminds me a decorative aquarium with many many fishes of different colours: grey, white, golden... Of course, it is pleasant to see golden )), but not fish, people! alive and talking!But, as I said, in free chat it is not so problematic.BUT, when it happenes in pvt it really confuses me! WHAT should I do, when I don\'t know what you want? How should I guess? Getting mental messages from the Space? Belive me, even if I really want, I can\'t, because I\'m NOT a telepathist!!!And what\'s more funny, when you, dear members, leave pvt being disappointed that you didn\'t see anything or because I started a show, while you didn\'t want it. OMG, that\'s so stupid! Just imagine yourself on my place! It is like your wife or gf took offence with you, because you didn\'t buy her an icecream or bought a kandy instead, while she DIDN\'T tell what she wants. The only one difference, that concerning a close real person, you can guess, because you know this person! But how can I guess, if I see you first time in my life? and even not you, but your nickname!Let\'s be adult, adequate people, not capricious little guys, who take offence because nobody understand them. Just tell what you want! with WORDS, not with your thoughts sending me mental waves! I don\'t accept them, I\'m not an alient device!Thanks for understanding,Yours,Megan
Hi, guys!Let me introduce myself! ;)The main things you should know, that I have amazying twin-breast, believe me they are perfect, and really long long hairs! ;) So, perfect show for you is guaranteed!And of course, my name - So, I'm Megan 19 years old student studying medicine. I'm originally from Russia and living in St.Petersburg now. It is really marvelous city, which is known as a cultural capital of the country. So, you may be sure, that you are communicating in this room with reall lady, not just a doll! ;)In my room you can get not only hot show, but interesting chatting process too. I'm really well-read and I like intersting discussions.I'm fond of:1. Music2. Culture3. History4. Sport5. Dancing6. Horses7. Mountains and rock-climbing8. Tourism9. Readingand so so on, and, of course, hot games with men. Games which bring satisfaction and pleasure. I'm new here and maybe sometimes behave myself a bit shy, but feel free to ask any questions, I'll always answer. Also I would like to ask you to comment my shows in order to make me know what should I improve etc.Dear beggars, I ask you in advance - don't wait anything for free from me. I apreciate my regular members and tippers and trying to do my best to treat them with respect and special woman's charm!Thanks for visiting my room! I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to leave your comments and admire my power score! ;)Yours,MeganXXXOOORSS Feed
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